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Showing 1 - 10 of 10 items.

Appriss Retail 2024 Claims and Appeasements Report | White Papers & ReportsDetails

Publisher: Appriss Retail
Publish Date: 2024

This report by Appriss Retail research the growth of claims and appeasement fraud in retail based on data between 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2023. The cost of return fraud and abuse to retailers grew from $20 billion in 2022 to $101 billion in 2023. The report suggests that retailers should utilize AI tools to detect return fraud on a customer-by-customer basis.

Building a circular supply chain | White Papers & ReportsDetails

Publisher: Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Published Date: 2024

This paper spotlights the potential and meaning of a circular economy to supply chain professionals. The circular supply chain process is explained in the context of the popular SCOR model. Nine focus areas are presented for businesses to tackle in their circularity journey, including case studies of Hewlett Packard and Philips.

Mastering the Art of Complex Returns Management | White Papers & ReportsDetails

Publisher: ReverseLogix
Published Date: 2024

This whitepaper explores the importance of optimizing the e-commerce returns process to satisfy and retain customers. It highlights the challenges retailers face in creating efficient returns management systems, such as technology integration and meeting the demands of a flexible customer-centric approach. It recommends leveraging technology to provide customers with a smooth front-end experience while providing an efficient process for internal back-end operations.

What Retailers Really Want | White Papers & ReportsDetails

Publisher: goTRG
Published Date: 2023

In an analysis by goTRG based on a recent survey, GoTRG finds that retailers are looking for collaborators who understand their challenges, anticipate their needs, and offer tailored solutions that are balanced between touch and technology. The solution also needs to optimize the process to ensure maximum financial recovery and minimal waste according to Sender Shamiss, President/CEO of goTRG.

7 Characteristics to Consider for Automation in Reverse Logistics | White Papers & ReportsDetails

Publisher: Trew
Published Date: 2022

Returns are no longer that small cost center located in the back of the distribution center. The rise in e-commerce is forcing all retailers to re-examine and adjust their plans to deal with returns and many are looking to automation to help. This article outlines the 7 operational considerations retailers need to review when looking for an automated solution. Unless, of course, you have a crystal ball.

The Returns Hangover | White Papers & ReportsDetails

Publisher: MySize
Published Date: May 2022

MySize, a sizing technology company, found that 50% of consumers return apparel and footwear bought online because of sizing issues. In its latest white paper, The Returns Hangover, additional findings from their survey are included as well as opportunities for online retailers to satisfy various concerns through AI-driven measurement technology including reducing returns.

White Paper: Returns Index Survey Results for Q4-2021 & Q1-2022 | White Papers & ReportsDetails

Publisher: Reverse Logistics Association
Published Date: 2022

Returns Index Survey Results: Insights for Q4 2021 Present Situation and Q1 2022 Expectations – Rise in Costs Outpaces Volumes

Return to sender? Technological applications to mitigate e-commerce returns | White Papers & ReportsDetails

Publisher: Dr. Heleen Buldeo Rai | Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Published Date: 2022

A detailed literature review that discusses ways to mitigate e-commerce returns, such as virtual dressing rooms, customer reviews, and product photos. A good summary chart concerning the effectiveness of different ways to mitigate returns is also included. The report also includes an extensive reference section for further research purposes.

Managing in Reverse: The Strategic Importance of Reverse Logistics - Re-released | White Papers & ReportsDetails
There are some unmistakable truths about top corporate execs. CEOs and EVPs love to walk the aisles of their stores, which are shiny and freshly waxed in anticipation of their "surprise" visit. Yet, on such field trips, they rarely see the stock rooms, and they are often hustled past the return counter. Likewise, they ride around the distribution center, seeing "neatness" on parade - rack after rack of new merchandise. But they are not afforded the same "royal treatment" when they tour their firm's return processing area. (3 pages)

Author: David C. Wyld, Southeastern Louisiana University

Maximizing Performance at Your Reverse Logistics Operations - Re-released | White Papers & ReportsDetails
How do you monitor the pulse of your Reverse Logistics operations? How do you monitor your Returns processing activity? What measurements do you use to benchmark and improve your performance?

Successful Reverse Logistics performance requires more than a few month end reports. In this article we look at ways to maximize your Reverse Logistics performance. (3 pages)

Author: Paul Rupnow, ReverseLogisticsProfessional.com