RL Industry Research

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items.

Recovery and Efficiency-Are retailers positioned for reverse logistics success? | Industry Research DocumentsDetails

Publisher: Liquidity Services
Published Date: 2023

This new benchmarking study, which was independently conducted among 100+ retail reverse logistics and supply chain leaders, explores industry best practices for increasing recovery, improving transportation and storage/warehouse efficiency, and obtaining better data and analytics.

Returned Resolved | Industry Research DocumentsDetails

Publisher: Newmine
Published Date: Jun 2024

Returns Resolved Actionable Steps Every Retailer Can Take Returns have become an inevitable part of the retail landscape, but the status quo doesn't have to be the norm. Last year, we released Returns Uncovered - New Insights on a Growing Problem, discussing the retail returns issue and questioning conventional solutions. In this second edition, we examine retail relationships and provide quick, actionable steps that every retailer can take to reduce returns. Download the Research

RLA - Finance is from Mars and Reverse Logistics is from Venus | Industry Research DocumentsDetails

Author: Cathy Roberson
Publisher: Reverse Logistics Association
Published Date: 2021

Collaboration between a company's Finance and RL teams will result in lowering the costs of returns. By understanding the costs of returns and utilizing such financial tools as a returns cost worksheet, companies will be able to turn RL from a cost center to potentially a profit center.