Message from the Editor
By Felecia Przybyla , Reverse Logistics Association
It’s been one year since new management has joined the RLA staff and we are going strong. The RLA New Management is listening to our members and prospective members, and we have made changes to improve communication and our membership benefits, as well as prices. We’ve heard from many of you that have noticed the changes and are happy with them, which makes us happy.
We also want to hear from you! If you are happy about the changes, share with us! Email us at or take it to social media using #rlabetterthanever and tell us what you like about the New RLA.
This edition covers a variety of Reverse Logistics topics, including Value from Returns, Circular Economy, Proper Drug Disposal, and additional information on our RLA Sqrl Code. And remember - we’re always looking for informational Reverse Logistics stories from our members and readers. If you have an innovative reverse logistics technique, new research findings, an instructive case study ‘how to’ article, or a practical application story, please submit it to
Felecia Przybyla Felecia Przybyla
RL Magazine Editor