Message from the Publisher
By Tony Sciarrotta, Reverse Logistics Association
The RLA is under construction! We are starting the development of a new website to replace the current 14-year-old design, and it is very exciting. In web years, the site is ancient, and not mobile friendly, nor member-friendly. The new will be transitioned into a site that will feature an RLA industry calendar, have a simplified event registration, and many other options to allow members easier access to more RL industry information.
Phase 1 of the new site will be for a fresh new face to the world on our front page as well as the new events registrations and product downloads. We will celebrate the launch of the new site with an opportunity for members to get easier access to our extensive library of RL presentations, white papers, and research. There are many other changes for future development, and we welcome any feedback on new features that should be considered. Your memberships are helping to pay for these much-needed updates, and we appreciate the support of all members.
In this edition, you will see our stories from new and long-term members, articles on Blockchain and E-Scrap by industry subject matter experts, updates on uses for the new RLA 12N smart QR label, and lists for upcoming industry events. We continue to highlight articles from Academics and we are looking for more RL educators to join RLA and share new trends and teachings in logistics.
The RLA is member focused. Call or write and tell the RLA what you need to make a difference at your company. We are listening.
Tony SciarrottaBest regards,
Tony Sciarrotta