Edition 119, May 2022

RLA Monthly Webinars

Reverse Logistics Association

If you missed any of our recent webinars, the recordings are now available for you to watch at no cost.  Visit the links below for more details and the recordings.

RLA April Webinar:
Why Using Non-Profits for Returns is Socially Responsible
With guest speakers:

  • Claudia Freed of EALGreen
  • Bob Anderson of Pride Industries
  • Travis Laws of WIN Warehouse

Event details here: https://rla.org/event/history/202



RLA May Webinar:
How to Reduce Returns
With guest speakers:

  • Christy Harper of End to End User Research
  • Sheri Panabaker of Microsoft
  • Elaine Unger of InComm Product Control

Event details here: https://rla.org/resource/307