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The worldwide premier Reverse Logistics conference for industry professionals.
One-day seminars and monthly webinars on select topics.
RLA staff speaks, attends, and/or exhibits at an event related to Reverse Logistics
Committee members meet virtually on a regular basis throughout the year to share best practices, issues, solutions, and business opportunities within specific topics involving the reverse logistics industry. Committee participation is an RLA membership benefit. If you would like to join a committee and your company is not currently a member, please contact for membership information.
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The latest news, blog posts, announcements, and updates from the reverse logistics industry.
By Scot Case, National Retail Federation
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RL Magazine is a monthly digital publication of the Reverse Logistics Association and is the only magazine in the world completely focused on the issues and next/best practices of the Reverse Logistics industry. RL Magazine readers are industry professionals from manufacturers, retailers, service partners, academics, and consultants who need to keep current with the latest reverse logistics trends. Launched in 2006, the magazine is now distributed worldwide to a circulation of over 15,000 subscribers and growing.
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