Tony Andrews



With 25+ years in executive operations leadership, I have developed a diverse set of strengths that give me an edge in highly competitive markets. I excel at identifying, planning for, and leading teams through periods of accelerated growth. I drive customer-focused initiatives and truly value strong, diverse, cross-functional teams. I am always seeking new challenges to overcome in the market place. Areas of Expertise ★Customer Experience ★Full Sales Lifecycle Management ★Budget Management ★International Markets ★Operations Management ★Process Improvement ★Project Management ★Strategic Planning & Forecasting ★Team Leadership & Training ★Product Innovation

Former Chief Mobility Officer at Stream Energy and Merchandising Vice President Mobility at Radioshack with $2.5B responsibility leading Post Paid , Pre Paid , Tablets , Accessories , Operations , FP&A and Logistics verticals in US. Originally from the UK but now based in Dallas , before coming back to the US in 2006 I was Commercial Director of one of the UK's oldest Wireless Distributors Fone logistics overseeing Consumer , B2B and Online sales channels.


CABOT, PA 16023
United States
Committee Role Start End
Consumer Products Committee Member 1/17/2023 1/1/2024
Mobility & RL Service Committee Member 1/17/2023
Service, Parts & Warranty Committee Member 1/17/2023