RLA Podcasts

Live commentary from the most interesting people in the reverse logistics industry.

American Public University (APU) School of Business Debate "In-Store or Online Commerce: Which Is More Wasteful?"

December 2, 2020

The debate focused on whether consumers buying things in-person in local stores results in less waste and resource consumption than buying things online. The debate was moderated by Professor Dr. Kandis Wyatt and included: APU Professor Oliver Hedgepeth, APU Program Director Robert Gordon, Tony Sciarrotta from RLA, and Dr David Greenfield from Circular Economy Club.

Debate Recording: https://apus.zoom.us/rec/share/Wjem_GFCgXTATraUkfwVM_0CqX7lT4VGqF3g2LtzfNsLlh4wmUVzLv_2GR-p2Z9K.dMwCxcR152wSRdzM passcode: L9cRBS!=

Duration:  1 hour 22 minutes