Bianca Knerr

RLA Advisor - EMEA & APAC Region


Bianca holds university degrees in Economic Geography, Statistics and Sociology and has over 15 years of experience in Business Development and Project Management in reverse logistics and international IT companies.

She led trainings for online fraud prevention for an international retailer in India and Central America and has also been involved in the planning of successful returns processing, repair programs and inventory management solutions for leading OEMs.

As a sustainability enthusiast her focus now lies on the reverse logistics network for Europe, Middle East and Africa, as well as Asia & Pacific, and she is the responsible advisor for members of the RLA in these regions.


United States
Committee Role Start End
Women in Reverse Logistics Committee Member 3/21/2023
Conference and Summit for RLA Members Member 2/24/2022
RLA European Committee RLA Advisor 5/27/2021
Management Team Member 3/15/2021