RLA News & Views

RLA Membership Spotlight: Dell Technologies!

September 23, 2020

This week we are recognizing a loyal and long time RLA Member: Dell Technologies! Dell has ben involved with RLA since 2004, and continues to support the association as Platinum members, actively participating on our RLA Advisory Board, and involved in many of our RLA Industry Committees.  They are also always involved at our in-person and virtual events whether as participants or speakers, or both. 

Dell Technologies takes their social impact to heart and wants to "eliminate the concept of waste - rethinking, redesigning, reusing and recycling [their] way to a better future."  Their approach to a circular economy is to continually reuse resources.   They have "set an ambitious goal to source 100% of [their] packaging materials and more than 50% of [their] product materials from recycled-content or renewable materials by 2030."  This is no small feat, but they are on their way by pioneering bio-based technologies, discarding the idea of waste, and finding raw materials in the most unlikely of places.    We are proud to have them as members and partners in contributing to the Reverse Logistics industry.

Find out more at: https://corporate.delltechnologies.com/en-us/social-impact/advancing-sustainability.htm