RLA News & Views

Greg Skrovan: Doing What’s Good for Intel and for the Environment

August 14, 2024

"I should have ‘supply chain nerd’ in my LinkedIn job title. Even as a freshman in college, I knew I wanted to study supply chain. I’ve been blessed to be in supply chain roles since I graduated.

My interest in the circularity aspect of supply chains kicked in about seven years ago when I became involved in the reverse logistics function. You can’t have a circular economy without reverse logistics.

Typically the biggest struggle in gaining continued investment in sustainability initiatives, especially in the supply chain, is showing a return on investment. The thing that excites me most about our mission is that we play a critical role supporting our customers’ needs while also driving cost savings and doing something positive for the environment through our asset recovery capabilities. We try to find a way to either resell or repurpose any material that comes back to us, so we’re getting its highest value. Or, we try to recycle, with little to no waste."

Read the full article: https://www.inboundlogistics.com/articles/greg-skrovan-doing-whats-good-for-intel-and-for-the-environment/