RLA News & Views

American-Made Challenges: E-SCRAP Prize

May 31, 2024

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (AMMTO) launched the Electronics Scrap Recycling Advancement Prize (E-SCRAP), administered by the DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

This three-phase competition will award close to $4 million in federal funding and national laboratory analysis support to competitors to substantially increase the production and use of critical materials recovered from electronic scrap —or e-scrap. E-scrap—which includes mobile phones, home appliances, medical or office equipment, and anything else powered by electricity—represents the fastest growing waste stream globally, with e-scrap generation expected to double 2014 levels by 2030. 

The prize encourages innovations that enhance the recovery of critical materials along the recycling value chain from end-of-life products to reintroduction. Innovation is also needed to facilitate the integration of the separation technologies into the recycling value chain.  

Here’s more information about the prize:

  • Phase 1: Incubate, is now open to submissions!

          o Apply on the HeroX site by Sep. 4, 2024, at 5 p.m. ET.

          o Up to 10 winners will receive $50,000 in cash. Winners will also receive consulting support from a national laboratory (worth up to $30,000).

Please reach out to escrap.prize@nrel.gov with any questions.