RLA News & Views

Stakeholder Perspectives on Right-to-Repair Laws

By Ece Guliz Gulserliler , Atalay Atasu and Luk Van Wassenhove , INSEAD

November 30, 2022

Laws to protect consumers and the environment could be a game-changer for businesses and prompt change in business models.

A wave of grassroots consumer movement is unfolding. At the centre of the right-to-repair (RTR) movement are farmers who use John Deere tractors. Indignant at being “forced” to take their broken tractors to authorised dealers for repair, they revolted – turning instead to old tractors from the 70s that they could easily fix themselves.

In the mass consumer market, consumer advocacy groups contend that some producers are limiting the rights of users to repair their own products – ranging from iPhones and Mac computers to Nikon cameras. Some argue that companies are preventing independent repairs by restricting access to spare parts, using software updates to quietly render products repaired outside the network obsolete and even suing independent repairers.

Find the remainder of the article here:  https://knowledge.insead.edu/operations/stakeholder-perspectives-right-repair-laws

Ece Guliz Gulserliler , Atalay Atasu and Luk Van Wassenhove